I was right back in June when I said that I only update when the numbers are down :) Although I don't remember the details, I'm sure that I knew some more figures were incoming! Right after that I got some 15mm Parthians, some 28mm plastic Hoplites, and a few more vikings... Despite that jump in August there, over all I managed to reduce my numbers by 9%! I'm below 700 again, which is fantastic!

I like that downward trend!
As for my promised decision of whether to sit on old figs that I'd never paint, or to actually do something about it... well, I'm going to skip that decision I think! The end of the year turned out to be too crazy for me to really decide anything like that... that being said, I started to paint Lord of the Rings figures again. Maybe it was the Hobbit movie trailer, or maybe it was just my desire to get back to Middle-earth and paint some old, dusty figs... but my plan is to find value in those old figs and get painting them again! Also, I should totally follow Tim's advice and finish off those little categories: medieval, necromunda, animals, and paintballers. That would certainly shorted the list :)